File [website_software/INSTALL.txt]

* GavsWorld Website Software *
* INSTALL.txt *
Unzip the tar-ball to any directory within the web server's "home page" area -
either the top level or a sub-directory. Then just point your browser at the
directory. These days, there's generally no need to address index.php
specifically as it will be found, so normally:
*Note* that it will unzip into your current working directory - this package
does not unzip into a directory called "website_template"
The template website contains *full* instructions on creating page content
and the directory structure (not in this package though). This package is
primarily meant for upgrading a current installation.
For a complete listing of all directories / files, see STRUCTURE.txt
After this structure is in its required place, copy <setup-sample.php> to
<setup.php> and edit to suit your own needs and then start writing content.
There is specific help in the <setup.php> for customising that file.
Good luck with your new look website!
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[ Page last updated Fri 5th Apr 2024 | viewed 23200 times ]